
Branding Is in the Details. Exhibit A: UberConference.

posted on April 6th 2015 in Branding with 0 Comments

UberConference Hold Music | Branding Done Right


So I’m on hold for a conference call last Tuesday and, of course, everyone else is late.

Very late. So I’m sitting there. All alone.

Bored. Irritated. Neglected. I HAVE WORK TO TO DO!

But then, I start to listen to the “hold” music. You know, the usual crappy background music that sounds like Hall & Oates though it’s not really Hall & Oates?


The Real Hall & Oates, Yo.


Only this time…the music wasn’t crappy. It was awesome. Here’s a snippet:

“I’m on hold.

Yes I’m on hoooold.

I hope it’s not allll day.”

The song continues, wondering  “where have all my friends gone?” and “maybe they had the time wrong, maybe they didn’t.”

You get the idea. I perked up immediately. Whoa! GoToMeeting wouldn’t play this fantastic music! They suck! Who is this?!

What conference call company would actually have a personality?

The answer: UberConference.

(Maybe the giant logo at the top of the blog gave it away.)

The lesson: branding can be implementing anywhere.

The second lesson: it’s easy to stand out when your industry sucks.

But back to the first lesson. Branding should be implemented everywhere, even the smallest details. UberConference is not GoToMeeting. They’ve tapped into a pain point of most every professional and that is this: conferencing is a pain in the butt.

In fact, UberConference smartly jumps immediately into this pain point on their homepage with the headline: CONFERENCING IS A PAIN.

Darn right it is.

So tomorrow, when you’re bitching and moaning about the lack of branding opportunity offered by a certain client, remember UberConference, dust yourself off and get to work.

Here’s a link to the entire UberConference song, commissioned by the company to the very talented Alex Cornell.

About the author

Chad Rucker Chad has spent 17 years creating content and ideas for brands such as Verizon Wireless, Dunkin Donuts, Michelin and BMW. He's won an Obie Best of Show; National Addys; Employee of the Year; and ADchievement Awards. He is currently creative director at Jackson Marketing during the day, and moonlights on nights and weekends as Lochness.

Chad has spent 17 years creating content and ideas for brands such as Verizon Wireless, Dunkin Donuts, Michelin and BMW. He's won an Obie Best of Show; National Addys; Employee of the Year; and ADchievement Awards. He is currently creative director at Jackson Marketing during the day, and moonlights on nights and weekends as Lochness.