
SEO Copywriting

posted on June 28th 2014 in with 0 Comments

SEO copywriting isn’t dead. Yes, the OLD SEO is dead (link buying, keyword stuffing, gaming the system), and organic search is king, but more than ever your website needs to answer a need from your prospects. Namely legitimate keywords and content. I’ll strategically (and lovingly) work in your keywords and brand story in your Meta and website content, so everything works harmoniously. And I can write PPC advertising and Google Remarketing ads so everything works together. Google is happy. Your visitors are happy. Your CFO is happy.

About the author

Chad Rucker Chad has spent 17 years creating content and ideas for brands such as Verizon Wireless, Dunkin Donuts, Michelin and BMW. He's won an Obie Best of Show; National Addys; Employee of the Year; and ADchievement Awards. He is currently creative director at Jackson Marketing during the day, and moonlights on nights and weekends as Lochness.

Chad has spent 17 years creating content and ideas for brands such as Verizon Wireless, Dunkin Donuts, Michelin and BMW. He's won an Obie Best of Show; National Addys; Employee of the Year; and ADchievement Awards. He is currently creative director at Jackson Marketing during the day, and moonlights on nights and weekends as Lochness.